Tips For Introducing Plexus Software To Your Business

By Matthew Anderson


Introducing a new tool to your staff will always require training and testing to guarantee the benefits it offers. That goes the same with introducing Plexus Software to your business. There is a step-by-step process of introduction for a smooth transition. This is true for new business or if upgrading current business processes by integrating technology and advances through Plexus. For the majority of business software available, it will take time to transition from using the old processes to what the software offers. Check out our tips for introducing Plexus Software to your business. This will help you make the most of what the software offers.

Testing and Training Phase

Testing and training is the first step in introducing Plexus Software to your workers. But, give adequate time for people to get up to speed with the software's functions and interface. One-on-one training is highly recommended to identify each worker's concerns immediately. So, make sure that every function is explained in detail and tested including navigation through the software's interface. Take note that every individual has a different capacity in learning new things. There are those who are not accustomed to technology and it would take them more time to learn than others. Here's a helpful article about software training for non-tech savvy workers. With Plexus, our team of experts will help you train your workers to use the software. This will help make implementation easier on your part.

Supervised Assistance

After the testing and training phase, allow your workers to build confidence in using the Plexus Platform. While they would need less assistance, it is important to still maintain supervision to prevent errors. Be ready to assist slow learners and non-tech savvy employees until they reach the height of their learning curve.

Feedback and Suggestions

Every unique business has its own unique set of needs. This is also true with the business software a business uses. Your company's version of Plexus Software can be improved with the help of the feedback and suggestions of workers. Also, users can help identify other features that should be added to the software and which features need tweaking.

Customize Software to Fit Your Business

After getting feedback and suggestions from your workers, you can customize your own Plexus Software. This would be to fit the specific needs of your business. You can add or remove users as needed. We will only bill you for users that actually use the Plexus Platform each month. You can also add or remove features depending on what your business needs. This could be more automation functions and other business processes that you would want to integrate with the software.

These are just the basic tips in introducing Plexus Software to your business. Depending on your business type, scale, and the number of employees, the transition will vary per business. Nevertheless, we will be there every step of the implementation process. We will be open to your suggestions to achieve the perfect business software that you and your workers need. Check out a demo video of our software, contact us to learn more or to arrange a personalized demo for you.


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By Matthew Anderson