Solutions To Common Workflow Problems

By Matthew Anderson


Whether you own a small- or medium-sized enterprise or a large corporation, any business would have a workflow. Workflow is the execution, definition, and automation of business processes. This involves tasks to be completed, information to process, and documents to pass on to the next process. All of these are done with respect to the business' rules, policies and objectives. In short, a workflow is your process for completing the desired objective in business. Workflow problems are common in any business. This is true with complex processes, tasks that require multiple workers, tasks that require high-level of skill, and other things. Still, efficient workflow is always the objective of any manager or business owner.

Common Workflow Problems and Solutions

Lack of Interconnecting Systems

An efficient workflow needs to have good continuity of processes. A broken process could mean delays or lead to miscommunication, a common workflow problem in businesses today. With the modern technology available today, the need for interconnecting systems can be achieved with ease. Plexus Software will help you fix broken processes and interconnect all your departments and staff with its smart features. Plexus Software is a cloud-based software which works on computers and mobile devices. This allows your staff to stay connected and updated anytime and anywhere.

Remote Workers and Contractors

It is easy to track workers within your company. Particularly, if you use modern technology with the help of devices like biometrics, phones, software and others. However, it is a different story when you work with people outside your management. This is true when working with third-party contractors or sending out workers outside the office. Tracking remote workers, contractors and progress outside the office can be challenging. Fortunately, Plexus Software and its modern features will help you solve these workflow problems with ease. The software feature remote log-ins for remote workers, can also take and upload photos to track progress for remote projects. With Plexus Software, the collaboration between workers and contractors outside the office will be easy.

Tedious Quotation and Invoice Process

The quotation and invoice process of businesses tends to be a most complex and tedious task in the office. It requires a lot of paperwork, calculations, clearances and it gets passed around one department to another. This can be very time-consuming and tedious to the staff particularly if you don't use a software. Plexus Software can help you send quotes faster with great accuracy where you can protect your profit margin. Sign and send invoices to your clients directly, or on-site so you can close deals even outside the office.

Traditional Paperwork

It is rare for workers to like paperwork. Having a lot of it can drag down productivity and slow down the workflow. More than productivity and efficiency, paperwork is also prone to errors when it gets passed around different departments. There are many ways to cut down paperwork today. Using a business software allows workers to save and pass documents online. It is safer and prevents it from getting lost because it is always in a cloud-based server. Plexus Software can easily solve most of the common workflow problems that plague most businesses today. Check out the overview of the software to learn how it can make your business processes easier, efficient, and faster.


Intelligent Scheduling with Plexus Software

By Matthew Anderson