Intelligent Scheduling with Plexus Software

By Matthew Anderson


Scheduling tasks for employees is important to maximize their potential, minimize downtime and have accurate project timeline predictions. A good schedule will tell you the tasks and activities achieved by a worker with a given deadline. There's a need for intelligent scheduling for modern businesses today. They can maximize the use of time, resources, and manpower in achieving a goal.

Why is Scheduling Important?

There are different methods in scheduling which all require mathematical analysis. Still, the objective is to plot tasks and activities in a proper sequence. This needs to happen from start to finish based on the known scope of a project. For example, insulation businesses needs to know the specific needs of each order and the amount of insulation their techs can install per hour. Therefore, it's crucial for schedules to be precise particularly if the business is handling multiple projects at the same time. Having conflicting schedules at this point could mean delays.

If you want smooth and error-free scheduling, Plexus Software's intelligent scheduling features will help. Your managers will be able to plot every worker's schedule without conflicts and with ease. The software allows you to assign specific individuals to do a task. This can even account for third-party contractors. This ensures scope and skill matching. Check out the helpful features of Plexus below that will help you and your managers to schedule tasks effectively.

Intelligent Scheduling

Plexus Software's intelligent scheduling allows managers to plan tasks based on an order's labor estimate. This ensures the size of the workers and the working hours prescribed match the scope of the entire project. The software makes it easy to schedule the right workers based on labor type buy finding workers with matching skills to fit the task. The Schedule Modulealso gives managers a view of the available manpower. It also gives them a look at which workers are unavailable at just a glance. Once schedules are assigned, the software can alert all parties involved in a project digitally. Employees receive immediate notification if needed to dispatch to the job site.

On-Site Log-ins

The software's intelligent scheduling also monitors schedules with on-site log-ins via the Plexus Software's mobile application.

Workers, supervisors, and even contractors can log-in for work at the job site. They record progress by taking photos and uploading them to the software for managers to validate. The application also comes with geolocation function that allows you to see where people are at in real-time. With this, supervisors and managers can easily make quick decisions on-the-fly if more workers are needed on site.

Plexus Software not only helps you achieve intelligent scheduling, but also helps you monitor if schedules are being met. This happens as tasks are getting done and workers are clocking in and out of the software. Want to know more about Plexus Software? Check out the software's overview here to learn about the other features of the software. This includes the quotes and orders system, pricing, documents, invoices, and more.


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