Ways to Future-proof Small Businesses

By Matthew Anderson


Running a business takes a lot of skill to keep it afloat. Aside from excellent management and accounting skills, foreseeing the future of the business is also an important skill. Future-proofing your business increases the chances of business survival in the future and prepares the business for unforeseen challenges. Such challenges may include the rise of competitors, the emergence of superior technology rendering yours obsolete, or a recession.

The business might be doing well today where hard work is paying off and growth is steady. This is the time when small businesses can fall into a trap. When success is real and sweet there can be complacency. Consider running a business like building an empire that needs a good foundation that can withstand attacks and threats. Below are some strategies that will help future-proof small businesses.


Some small businesses offer only one product which helps them focus and specialize in that product. The result is that the business masters its craft and excels on that particular product. However, being a master of one thing has many pitfalls. In cases where a superior competitor arises your business could go down the drain. The answer to this is simple - diversify. Explore opportunities to launch a new product and diversify when possible.

Explore Emerging Technologies

As a business owner, exploring ways to improve how business processes are done is always an objective. Emerging technologies tend to offer such improvement whether its faster communication, better synchronization, or even a faster computer. Don't get stuck with old and slow machines while your competitors produce faster. It might require investment and training to get the benefits of acquiring new technology. However, it will surely help future-proof small businesses.

Observe Trends

The ability to observe trends and predict the future can be very handy in directing the path of your business. Follow the trends in developed and leading countries to get a picture of your chosen niche's future. Take Blockbuster, for example. This popular US home movie and video game rental business didn't keep up with the latest trends and failed. With the arrival of home movie rentals through RedBox and Netflix, Blockbuster did not diversify and went bankrupt in 2010.

Future-proofing tips will surely help you get away from traps and pitfalls. This is true whether you plan to become a well-reputed small business or expand to a larger business. Going through these future-proofing tips will require some investment, effort, and a lot of research. This all comes before deciding a course of action. Once a risk has been identified, act immediately and acknowledge the presence of a threat. Start identifying opportunities to diversify today. Explore new technologies that will boost productivity. Observe trends to see the next big thing. Also, you can contact us to learn about Plexus and how it can help future-proof your business today.


Improving Productivity in Accounting for Small Businesses

By Matthew Anderson