Improving Workflow by Implementing a Holistic System

By Matthew Anderson


Whether you are a small business owner or running a multiple location and division business, businesses will always have a workflow. A workflow is the execution and automation of business processes to achieve a beneficial outcome. For most businesses, this is being able to sell the product or service. Now, businesses use different strategies and methods in formulating a working workflow and efficiency and the factors vary. These factors include the use of technology, availability of resources, the level of skills the workforce have, and so on. So, it is always the goal to have an efficient workflow, to get from A to B in the shortest amount of time, at a minimal cost.

Improving Workflow Efficiency

The idea of improving workflow efficiency is to break down the process. You then document everything, identify key areas of focus and prioritize, and automate the work process. This would be easy with businesses with a very few and basic processes like retailing. But, if your business offers something unique like building insulation or fireplaces, the business workflow would be more complex. For businesses with multiple processes, improving workflow efficiency would mean evaluating and improving each process and requiring a holistic approach. Through a holistic approach, you can improve not only steps A to B but A to Z as a whole.

Holistic Approach with Plexus Software

Tackling workflow efficiency must be done in a holistic approach. Plexus Software enables you to do just that in the simplest way possible. Our experienced team at Plexus Software can help you break down your processes and optimize it to the very core. We can help you discard the things that drag your efficiency down.

Documentation and tracking are very important data to secure. If you want efficiency in these areas, you need to minimize the paperwork and go digital. With Plexus Software, you can document and track with ease and access your records quickly. Plexus Software can help you automate all your processes from quotes to accounting and other areas in between.

Plexus Software will change the way you do your business processes. It eliminates obsolete strategies and improves the processes that work. Imagine combining all the unique skills and experience of your lead estimators into one robust quoting system? Plexus Software can give you that ability that will help you edge out your competitors in the market today. Plexus Software will help you get quote and estimates out quickly and accurately to protect your margins from errors. Deliver answers to your customers quickly by having their documents directly attached to their client record in Plexus. It will help you find answers in just a few clicks.

Using any software doesn't guarantee improvement on your workflow efficiency. So, you should use one that's tailor-fit to your business and understands your processes down to its core. Plexus Software will help you establish a holistic system that gets you from A to Z with the best efficiency. Contact us to learn more about Plexus Software and how we can improve your workflow efficiency today!


Benefits and Challenges in Taking Over Insulation Businesses

By Jared Stafos